‘PM will not perform Ram Lalla’s life consecration.’ , Nripendra Mishra said – 1.5 lakh devotees will be able to have darshan every day, they will get time of 20 to 30 seconds.


New Delhi9 minutes ago

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‘PM will not perform Ram Lalla’s life consecration.’  ,  Nripendra Mishra said – 1.5 lakh devotees will be able to have darshan every day, they will get time of 20 to 30 seconds.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not consecrate Ram Lalla. He can be present on the spot. But, only sages and saints will complete it. However, no date for Pran Pratistha has been finalized yet. After the construction of the temple, one to one and a half lakh devotees will be able to have darshan of Lord Ram every day. Every devotee will get 20 to 30 seconds to have darshan of the Lord in the sanctum sanctorum. These things were said by Nripendra Mishra, Chairman of Ram Temple Construction Committee and former Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Let us read the entire interview sequentially…

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Question- Ramlala’s life will be consecrated in Ram temple only on January 22?
Answer- No, no date is final yet. I would like to clarify one thing that Lord Ram will reside in the new temple only after his life has been consecrated. The program of Pran Pratishtha is mainly the work area of ​​sages and saints and they will carry it out. The Prime Minister can be present there, but only the saints and sages will perform the consecration.

The day on which the last date of Pran Pratistha will be decided by the sages and saints. The Prime Minister will also be present on that day. Ram Mandir Construction Trust has requested him for this. This has not been confirmed yet from PMO. The Prime Minister had laid the foundation stone of the temple on 5 August 2020. Therefore, it is our wish and expectation that he will be present in the Pran Pratistha also.

Question- On which day is PM’s presence necessary?
– Temple Trust President Mahant Nritya Gopal Das has sent a request letter to invite the PM on behalf of the Trust. In view of his busy schedule, he himself has been requested to fix the date.

Question: Many figures and pictures have recently been discovered during excavation.
Many important things have been discovered in the excavation. These things were also presented as evidence during the hearing of this case in the court. Even after this, things have still been found at many places, which are being collected. When the museum attached to the Ram temple is built, arrangements will be made there for common citizens and devotees to see these things.

Of the remains found during the excavation of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya.  It is placed at the entrance of the temporary temple.

Of the remains found during the excavation of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya. It is placed at the entrance of the temporary temple.

Question- What challenges have been faced so far in the construction of Ram temple?
– The construction of the temple is going on since 5th August 2020 or even 2 or 3 months before that. This work will be completed in three phases. First- Will be completed in December 2023. Ground floor will be constructed in it and God will be installed there. Second-Will be completed by December 2024. third and last The phase will be completed in December 2025. In this, the construction of the temple complex will be completed, which has other important buildings and temples.

This picture is of 5 August 2020.  PM Modi had worshiped Ramlala.

This picture is of 5 August 2020. PM Modi had worshiped Ramlala.

The construction has been going on for so long, so obviously there are more challenges in such a situation. The main challenge is related to people’s faith and hope. It is not only a question of faith in Ayodhya, but also in the whole of India, but also of the people living outside the country. In such an environment, there are challenges related to engineering as well as emotions.

We also had the challenge that there is no written document i.e. official record giving information about the construction technique or material of our old temples. Therefore, now we are trying to live up to these expectations with the help of IIT, Research Institute Roorkee, the country’s largest engineering institute.

Well, challenges come before us every day and their solutions are also found every day. Our Project Monitoring Committee, Tata Consultancy of Engineering, our architect Sonpura ji with whom the agreement was signed in 1992, we all together tackle these challenges.

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Question- Preparations are going on to invite guests for the inauguration. Will it also be screened?
– This topic is a matter of temple trust and I will not comment on this topic. I have been given the responsibility of construction and I will be limited to that.

Question- Does the Prime Minister ever ask you any questions regarding construction?

answer– No, the Prime Minister completely respects the Temple Trust and the Temple Construction Committee. But certainly the Prime Minister has been actively associated with the ongoing movement for the construction of the temple and the plan to install the God since 1947. They have many mediums for information. They might be taking information from them and their interest is that a grand temple should be built which will be a symbol of the faith of crores of people.

This picture is of the ongoing construction in Ram Janmabhoomi.  In this the temple is seen rapidly taking a grand shape.

This picture is of the ongoing construction in Ram Janmabhoomi. In this the temple is seen rapidly taking a grand shape.

Question- What is the information regarding the construction of Ram Mandir Museum?

answer– A museum of Lord Ram and Ramayana is to be built in the temple. Earlier we had to build on a campus of 71 acres only. But outside the 71 acres there is the Ramayana Museum of the UP Government. We requested the UP government to transfer the entire museum to the Trust as is. Very soon the agreement for transfer of the museum will be signed between the Trust and the UP government.

Question- What will be the arrangements for common devotees in the temple?
– What will be the arrangements for the devotees, how will the darshan be done, this is the scope of the trust. Even today devotees are coming for darshan, the trust is providing darshan of the temple and the deity established there, so in the coming days also the trust will make best arrangements for the same.

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Question- After the construction of the temple, how many devotees will have the capacity to visit in a day?

answer– This is a question related to security and management which the Trust will look into. According to the construction, we estimate that if the Ram temple will be open for devotees to visit for 12 to 14 hours in a day, then one to one and a half lakh devotees will be able to visit here in a day. The time for which the devotees will be able to have darshan is decided by the Trust and the priests of the Trust according to the efficiency of their volunteers. Every devotee will get 20 to 30 seconds to have darshan of the Lord in the sanctum sanctorum.

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