ISRO fights over 100 cyber-attacks every day: S Somanath | The chip used in rockets is at greater risk, Somnath said – our network is completely safe


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ISRO fights over 100 cyber-attacks every day: S Somanath |  The chip used in rockets is at greater risk, Somnath said – our network is completely safe

ISRO Chief S Somnath attended the closing ceremony of the two-day International Cyber ​​Conference in Kochi, Kerala on Saturday.

More than 100 cyber attacks occur every day on the software of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). ISRO Chief S Somnath said this during the two-day International Cyber ​​Conference in Kochi, Kerala on Saturday.

Somnath said- The possibility of cyber attacks in rocket technology is very high. Because advanced software and chips are used in it.

No matter how big this threat is, ISRO is completely safe from such attacks. Somnath said- Our system is equipped with cyber security network. No dent can be made in it.

Technology is changing with time, we also have to be updated.
The ISRO chief further said that apart from the software, the organization is also focusing on the security of the hardware chips inside the rocket. For this, different types of testing are being done.

Somnath said- Earlier we used to prepare software to monitor a satellite. Now the same work is being done for many satellites. This shows that technology is changing with time. We will have to update accordingly.

Somnath further said, there are many satellites which help in the daily routine of common people. All these are controlled by different types of software. Cyber ​​security is very important to protect all this.

Can take help of Artificial Intelligence
Speaking about cyber attacks, Somnath further said – Advanced technology is both a boon and a threat for us. We can face the challenges of cyber crime by using technology like Artificial Intelligence. For this, better research and hard work will be required.

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