India China Border Road Construction; Ladakh | Daulat Beg Oldi | China will not see this; Military support will easily reach Daulat Beg Oldi


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India China Border Road Construction;  Ladakh |  Daulat Beg Oldi |  China will not see this;  Military support will easily reach Daulat Beg Oldi

Out of the 52 km distance between Sasoma and Sasser La, 46 km road has been blacktopped. Only 6 km stretch is left.

India has built a new road to strengthen its position on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) amid the ongoing border dispute with China in Galwan. This road is far away from LAC, so China’s PLA Army will not be able to see it from across the border.

The Border Roads Organization (BRO) is building this 130 km road from Sasoma to Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) in Nubra Valley. Whose work is expected to be completed by November this year. At the same time, it will be opened to the general public by December 2024.

Away from Line of Actual Control, hence military operations will not stop
According to Hindustan Times report, the existing road from Darbuk to DBO is 255 km long. Which runs along the LAC. Chinese soldiers keep an eye on every action taking place here. But Sasoma, Sasser La, Sasser Brangsa, Gapshan will be important stops on this road. This road will not be visible to Chinese soldiers.

According to retired Army Commander, North East Command, Lieutenant General DS Hooda, ‘Sub Sector North’ includes Karakoram Pass, Depsang Plains and DBO Landing Ground. Operations can be stopped on the existing road, but this new road will be safe, that is, there will be no situation for military operations to be stopped on it.

Special things related to this road…

  • This 130 km road will start from Sasoma. Sasoma and Darbuk can be reached from Leh by two different road routes.
  • There is connectivity between Sasser La and Sasser Brangsa. Blacktopping of the 27 km long road will be completed by October 2024.
  • A 345-metre seven-pillar bridge is to be built over the Shyok river on the 18 km road from Sasser Brangsa to Murgo.
  • 2000 people are engaged in completing this road. At present the work of building this road is in the most difficult phase.

BRO will also build a tunnel after the completion of the road work.
To ensure all-weather connectivity, BRO has planned a 7 km long tunnel under Sasser La. Work on this is likely to start in 2025, which will be completed by 2028. BRO has completed about 300 important projects costing Rs 8000 crore in the last three years. These projects include Nimu-Padam-Darcha road, Chushul-Dungti-Phukche-Demchok road and Likaru-Mig La-Phukche road.

What is the current situation on the India-China border?
On August 13 and 14, the 19th round of discussions was held between the corps commanders of the armies of the two countries. In this, both sides have agreed to resolve LAC related issues through dialogue. Indian and Chinese troops have so far retreated from Galwan Valley, Pangong Tso, Gogra (PP-17A) and Hot Springs (PP-15).

However, both armies still have thousands of troops and advanced weapons deployed in the Ladakh region, and table talks continue on the problems of Depsang and Demchok.

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