Ayodhya Ram Mandir Update; Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Site Ancient Temple | Champat Rai released the photo found in excavation 21 years ago, idols and urns were found


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Ayodhya Ram Mandir Update;  Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Site Ancient Temple |  Champat Rai released the photo found in excavation 21 years ago, idols and urns were found

A picture of the remains of the ancient temple found during excavation at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi has come to light. It has been issued by Champat Rai, General Secretary of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust. Many statues and pillars are visible in it. It is being told that these statues and pillars were found by the ASI team during excavation in the year 2002.

The Mahants of Ayodhya believe that the remains of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi are 500 years old. These remains were found 21 years ago during excavation around the sanctum sanctorum of Ramlala temple. The disputed site where it was found was earlier a Ram temple. During the British era, other religious structures were built over it.

Later the matter reached the court. When ASI survey was conducted, these remains of temples from that disputed place became a strong basis to prove the truth of Ram Janmabhoomi.

These remains were found 21 years ago during excavation around the sanctum sanctorum of Ramlala temple.  At present these have been kept in the gallery at the exit gate of the temporary temple.

These remains were found 21 years ago during excavation around the sanctum sanctorum of Ramlala temple. At present these have been kept in the gallery at the exit gate of the temporary temple.

Placed at the exit gate of the temporary Ram temple
Champat Rai has released the photo of the remains of the ancient temple. It contains black Kasauti stones, remains of ancient sculptures, pillars of ancient temple, remains of Shivalinga. These remains have been kept safe near the exit gate of the temporary temple of Ramlala. Devotees get this gallery after having darshan of Ramlala.

Idols of gods and clay pots were also found.
Along with keeping the remains safe, information related to them is also given here. These remains include pillars made of black Kasauti stone, idols of deities made of pink sand stone, clay urns and pieces of carved stones in the temple.

Now the temple at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi is taking a grand shape. Ramlala’s life will be consecrated in this temple in January. Crores of Ram devotees will arrive at such a time. The memory of VHP and its associated struggles including saints and devotees regarding Shri Ram Janmabhoomi has become fresh again with the arrival of this photo.

Let us know further what the saints and mahants of Ayodhya have to say after the remains came to light…

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‘Every Hindu should know the struggle done to get the birthplace’
Swami Rajkumar Das, head of Shri Ram Vallabhakunj, says that the General Secretary of Ram Temple Trust has released the photo related to the remains on social media. The photo has reminded all of us of the struggles of the temple movement. Every person who believes in Sanatan Dharma should have the darshan of Ramlala and should know about the struggle done to attain the birthplace of Shri Ram.

Had this evidence not been found, the birthplace would not have been found easily: Dr. Bharat Das
Dr. Bharat Das, Mahant of Udasin Rishi Ashram Ranopali, says that every Ram devotee should know the history of Ram temple. This will let him know how much blood and sweat our ancestors have shed for this. If we had not found this evidence, we would not have been able to get Ram Janmabhoomi so easily. He expressed confidence that like Ayodhya, Hindus will get justice through the ASI survey of Gyanvapi in Kashi.

This photo is of the dome, which is almost ready.  Now work is being done on its finishing.

This photo is of the dome, which is almost ready. Now work is being done on its finishing.

Ground floor floor is being made, 14 doors ready
In the meeting of the building construction committee held on Saturday, officials related to the construction told that at present the work of making the floor of the ground floor of the temple is going on, which is to be completed by October. Here idols of gods are being carved on the pillars. All the 14 doors in the ground floor of the temple are ready. The final touch is being given to the carvings on the pillars. This work is being done by artisans from Hyderabad. The wood for the doors of the temple has been procured from Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. The pillars of the first floor have been erected above the ground floor. The work of molding the roof will start soon.

The temple is likely to be inaugurated on 22 January 2024.  In such a situation, the construction work is going on very fast.

The temple is likely to be inaugurated on 22 January 2024. In such a situation, the construction work is going on very fast.

Ground floor will stand on 170 pillars
The ground floor of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi temple stands on 170 pillars, which have beautiful carvings of gods and goddesses. Ramlala will be seated on a grand throne under the carved roof of the sanctum sanctorum. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple rests on 6 pillars of white marble, while the outer pillars are of pink sand stone. At the time of his birth anniversary at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple, the sun’s rays will fall on Ramlala’s forehead for some time at 12 noon.

Ramlala’s life consecration possible on 22 January 2024
Preparations for the consecration of Ram Lalla have already started in Ayodhya. Ramlala is likely to be consecrated in Ayodhya on 22 January 2024. This event will be extended to 2 lakh villages. Lakhs of people will reach Ayodhya. Ayodhya is beginning to sound like the 1992 Ram Mandir movement. At that time, there was a desire to get Ramjanmabhoomi, today there is a desire to see Ramlala sitting in this grand temple.

Now let us refresh the memories of Ayodhya movement…

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After the symbolic foundation stone of Shri Ram Temple in 1989, the desire to build the temple increased. As years passed, Vishwa Hindu Parishad announced to perform Kar Seva on the day of Devothani Ekadashi. The then Chief Minister Mulayam Singh announced to fortify not only Ayodhya but also the borders of the state. Despite this, groups of Kar Sevaks continued to come towards Ayodhya through village trails, fields and ridges.

The crowd of Karsevaks gathered so much from all sides that the control of the administration was lost over half of Ayodhya i.e. the eastern area of ​​the main road of Ayodhya, where Karsevakpuram is today. The arrangement of providing food and drinks to the kar sevaks started going on in every village. It is not that the government did not try from its side, but the situation was such that there was no space in the jails and even the temporary jails were not able to handle the kar sevaks.

Arrests were already going on across the state, yet all security arrangements had collapsed in the face of the public tide. In the movement of December 6, 1992, the slogan of one push and two to demolish the Babri structure was raised. The government in the state was also the BJP government led by Kalyan Singh. Even a day before December 6, there was no expectation that lakhs of people would arrive. When the crowd gathered, the entire system collapsed. The disputed structure was demolished.

You can read more information related to the Ram temple being built in the next slide…

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