Use VR and AR for tech-friendly education: draft KCF


The draft Kerala Curriculum Framework (KCF) for school education calls for arrangements to make use of virtual reality(VR) and augmented reality (AR) in schools.

Delving into technology-friendly education, the draft that was released recently observes that as technology has become a part of students’ lives, it should be used to continue their education too. Novel trends in education technology have the potential to address various problems faced by school education.

For instance, online facilities allow education to go ahead in adverse circumstances. Furthermore, technologies such as augmented reality and immersive learning provide higher level education experiences to students.

Besides making available interesting ways of learning, such interactive technologies also help overcome situations where direct experiences cannot be provided to students.

Technology can also help provide education suited to students’ abilities. For instance, it can be of great benefit to differently abled students, in inclusive education, in case of gifted students and if they are academically backward.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) should not be taught separately but as part of various subjects. So charts, graphs, videos, radio, TV, experiment kits should also be used along with digital technology in education.

ICT can also be used in continuous and comprehensive evaluation and preparation of profile and digital portfolio.

Possibility of integrated, complementary, supplementary, independent, and multimedia approaches and group learning and collaborative learning in use of education technology in the teaching and learning process should be explored, says the draft.


Internet should be made available in all high-tech classrooms. This will allow students to use internet safely.

Students should also be given opportunities to participate in online courses.

New digital textbooks should be interactive and disabled friendly. Digital copy of resources other than textbooks should be made available on the education portal to be used as reference. The draft says chat boxes and artificial intelligence should also be used to make the search for such resources easier.


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