Took number from Facebook…got nude on WhatsApp call | Cheating is being done by sending edited obscene videos; From common man to officers are getting trapped in their trap.


2 hours agoAuthor: Rajesh Sahu/Anurag Gupta

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Took number from Facebook…got nude on WhatsApp call |  Cheating is being done by sending edited obscene videos;  From common man to officers are getting trapped in their trap.

A request came on Facebook from a girl named Pooja Aggarwal. I didn’t know, but accepted the request. After some time the message of Hi came. I replied. He asked for the number. I have given. The girl made a video call on WhatsApp. I received. The girl seen in front became nude. We disconnected the phone. After some time the call came again. We did not pick it up again. After some time we got an edited video and the blackmailing started.

Actually it is a trap. Whoever comes under its influence, it makes them poor and forces them to commit suicide. We investigated this entire process. He himself went into the trap made by them and came out. But many people could not come out. today we sunday story I will thoroughly investigate this trap. Come, let us first get trapped ourselves and then know the stories of the trapped people.,

Hello…how are you…make a video call
I got a friend request on Facebook from a user named Pooja Aggarwal. When I opened my profile, none of my mutual friends were visible. Even after this I accepted the request. The message came as soon as the request was accepted. Hi, how are you? We replied to this message. After some time the message came, ‘What are you doing?’ I mean what are you doing? In response to this I wrote, nothing right now. Sitting like this.

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The user said, ‘Give me your number. Have to make a video call. We said- ‘Video call without acquaintance?’ His reply came – ‘Yes, what’s the problem?’ We will get to know each other through video call. We did not give the number immediately. After some time he made a video call on Facebook itself. We hung up and messaged that there were more people around the house. Do it tomorrow. After this I gave him my WhatsApp number.

Had I shown my face on camera, I would have got caught.
Next day we were sitting in the office. His message came asking are you free? As soon as I replied yes, he made a video call on WhatsApp. We received that call. There was a girl in front. The video was blurry, so it was difficult to recognize his face. After this he started obscene acts. I said don’t do all this. But she ignored these things and continued doing obscene acts.

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An edited video forced one to commit suicide
This story is of a person from Chinhat, Lucknow. He received a request on Facebook from a fake female ID. He accepted. The message came and then the contractor gave his WhatsApp number. That user made a video call to him. Started talking obscene words along with obscene actions. The contractors could not understand that it was a trap. He kept his mobile in front and started a long conversation with her. The contractors kept doing as he said.

The girl disconnected the video call. After some time a message came on the contractor’s mobile. When I opened WhatsApp, I saw that a video had come from the same number from which the video call had come. Downloaded. Seeing this he held his head. Because the video was nude and the contractor himself was in it. This was created by editing. The contractor immediately messaged, please delete it. A message came from the front that send 22 thousand rupees, we will remove it. The contractor sent the money.

Two days passed. A call came again. The person in front introduced himself as SP. Said that your nude video with a girl is going viral. Because of this the girl consumed poison. We are registering an FIR against you. After hanging up the phone, he sent a photo of a girl lying on a stretcher in the hospital. After this he called again and said send 66 thousand rupees only then something can happen.

The contractor sent Rs 66 thousand to the account of a person named Ankit Sharma. Thought the matter would be over, but no. After this a demand of Rs 10 lakh was made from the contractor. It was not possible to fulfill this demand. The contractor became upset due to continuous calls and committed suicide.

  • A similar case of trap also came to light from Banda, Kanpur, Pilibhit. In Bareilly, the police inspector became its victim. Let us understand his case.

Inspector gave 57 thousand but did not get relief
On March 11, 2023, a retired inspector of Bareilly received a video call. Here too the girl named herself Pooja. Within no time she became nude. By luring the inspector into his words, he would do whatever she told him to do. After this the call got disconnected and the video got uploaded on WhatsApp. Apart from WhatsApp, this video was also posted on social media. The inspector got scared. He was asked for Rs 57 thousand to remove it. He sent it.

This is a fake profile, often used to trap people.

This is a fake profile, often used to trap people.

After this the calls came again. The inspector deposited Rs 1.5 lakh in the account of a user named Prakash Gupta and Rs 10 thousand in the account of a user named Swati Mishra. This torture was increasing. A person made a video call and introduced himself as Alok Kumar, an IPS officer posted in the CBI. He said that your video is going viral on social media, if you want to remove it then send Rs 83 thousand. The inspector got upset and switched off his phone. The victim sub-inspector registered a case at Subhash Nagar police station. The police registered a case and started raids and arrested the accused.

  • Before entering the police in this story, let us understand who is their target?

Retired elders are the biggest target
We have seen cases of such traps. Collected data. Mostly those people found trapped in this are those who are retired from government jobs or are businessmen. Those people between 40 to 50 years of age who do not have much knowledge of social media get trapped in this. Youth also get trapped in this trap. To trap them, they were first linked on Facebook through fake ID. Among these youth, who commented on his profile photo, their numbers were taken by messaging them and then they were lured into their trap.

Those who carry out this work are not afraid of anything. They implicate police officers, they also implicate lawyers. These are the numbers used for video calls. It is in someone else’s name. Normal calls cannot be made on it. They also use Wi-Fi network for WhatsApp. Always keep location off. In such a situation, it is difficult to know from where they are operating their entire system.

Now the question is how can these be avoided? The only way to avoid these is to not accept friend requests from people you do not recognize. While receiving video calls from a new number on WhatsApp, keep your hands on the camera. Understand the rest from this graphic.

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DCP said- If you are stuck then come to us, we will diagnose confidentially.
We reached out to DCP Central Aparna Kaushik regarding these ever increasing trap cases. We told them about such traps. She says, “Such complaints come to us regularly. Keeping these things in mind, we have started the NCRB portal. You can lodge a complaint there. There is no need to panic at all. We deal with such cases with complete confidentiality. We investigate and arrest the accused. In many cases the accused have been caught and sent to jail.”

Overall, wisdom is the only protection in such cases. Even a little foolishness will harm you first financially and then socially. Many times it will leave you in such a situation where life will seem meaningless. Dying is an option. Therefore, protect yourself from such traps. Make others aware.

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People trapped are afraid of filing FIR
Crime Branch Inspector Satish Chandra Sahu says, “Many cases of such sextortion are coming to light. But cyber crime cannot trace the number without FIR. Many times people come to the cyber crime office. But when they are asked to go to the police station and lodge an FIR, they do not return. Cyber ​​crime provides full assistance after receiving complaint. Many times such gangs have been caught in raids.

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