The hearing and decision on the suggestions of the amicus curiae will be interesting. , The hearing and decision on the suggestions of the amicus curiae will be interesting.


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  • The Hearing And Decision On The Suggestions Of The Amicus Curiae Will Be Interesting.

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The hearing and decision on the suggestions of the amicus curiae will be interesting.  ,  The hearing and decision on the suggestions of the amicus curiae will be interesting.

No one is conscious about criminalization of politics. No one takes steps in this direction. No one even demands. Neither the ruling party nor the opposition. According to a report, 5,175 cases are registered against MPs and MLAs across the country. Of these, about 2100 i.e. about forty percent cases are five years old. Politicians use their influence to get the dates extended through lawyers and the cases continue. Years and years.

The report says that the highest number of criminal cases are pending against politicians in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, West Bengal, Odisha and Jharkhand.

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The amicus curiae appointed by the Supreme Court has advised that these cases involving politicians should be heard on a daily basis to be disposed of at the earliest. It has also been advised that the judges who have cases related to politicians should not be given other cases before disposal of these cases. So that their focus remains on these matters.

The amicus curiae has said that all the High Courts should be asked to ask their subordinate courts not to postpone the hearing of cases related to politicians. Also, in such cases, two public prosecutors should be appointed so that the hearing cannot be postponed due to leave of one of them.

Maximum cases are pending against MPs and MLAs in Uttar Pradesh who claim to eliminate criminals. Their number is 1377, out of which 719 cases are more than five years old.

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In Maharashtra, the judges handling the cases of politicians have the maximum burden. Every judge there has the burden of at least 31 cases related to politicians. In fact, apart from these cases, the judges are also burdened with other cases, hence the cases related to politicians keep going on. Whereas serious crimes involving these law making leaders should not be avoided under any circumstances.

If the Supreme Court accepts the advice of its amicus curiae, it will definitely help in making politics clean, which is the greatest need in today’s times. Certainly, when the court will consider the advice of the amicus curiae, its views will also be sought from the Central Government in this regard. It will be interesting to see what argument the government gives.


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