The attackers did not lose heart while biting the minor sisters. , When Prem Yadav died… then the family members became murderers, 5 deaths in Satya Prakash’s house, no one was left to cry.


19 minutes agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari / Rajesh Sahu

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The attackers did not lose heart while biting the minor sisters.  ,  When Prem Yadav died… then the family members became murderers, 5 deaths in Satya Prakash’s house, no one was left to cry.

There was a dispute between two brothers in Deoria. One brother left the other brother’s home and company forever. He started living in the house of an influential person in the village itself. Being persistent, he transferred his share of 9 bighas of land in the name of the same person. The other brother felt bad about this. There was a dispute but the matter was resolved by the Panchayat. Suddenly on the morning of 2 October that influential person is murdered. Since he was an influential person, the news of the murder enraged his supporters.

Angry supporters reached the dead body. The dead body with its throat cut and head chopped off was found in front of the same brother’s house. The crowd broke the door. Started hitting. First killed that brother and his wife. Then the 18 year old daughter, 15 year old son and 10 year old daughter were brutally murdered. The 8 year old son was also almost killed but he continued to breathe.

The reason behind this massacre was a bloody obsession. Who showed no mercy even in slitting the throats of innocent children. Bhaskar’s team reached the village to cover this entire massacre. Explored every reason. Talked to those people who heard the sound of bullets but could not muster the courage to go to the spot. Let us know the whole story from the beginning…

Brother decided to leave brother and live with someone else

This is the same place where Prem Yadav was killed and thrown.  Satya Prakash's house is 20 meters from here.

This is the same place where Prem Yadav was killed and thrown. Satya Prakash’s house is 20 meters from here.

Fatehpur village is about 10 kilometers away from Deoria district headquarters. There are total 14 hamlets in the village. One of them is Lehra. It is called Fatehpur Lehra. This is Satyaprakash Dubey’s house. There were three brothers in total. Elder brother Om Prakash Dubey had already died. Younger brother lived with Gyan Prakash alias Sadhu Satya Prakash. There were many disputes between the two brothers. The monk decided not to stay at home anymore. He got the land divided and left the house.

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The news of the sale of land was shocking for Satya Prakash. But he had nothing to do. In 2016, he said that his younger brother had less understanding, hence he was coaxed and got the land registered. Panchayat was held. But no conclusion was reached. Satya Prakash went to court. The revenue team measured the field but did not find any irregularities. Keep cultivating love on the land. Whenever he came to the village, he went to everyone’s house but never went to Satyaprakash’s house.

  • Now the story of that fateful date, when six blood soaked bodies were lying 30 meters apart and police vehicles were running from Lucknow towards Deoria.

The crowd became furious over the murder of Prem Yadav
Satya Prakash had a total of 6 children. 3 sons and 3 daughters. He had married a daughter three years ago in Deoria city. She lives in her in-laws’ house. The remaining children lived in Lehra village only. October 2 was the birthday of the middle son Gandhi. He told his elder brother Devesh that brother I have nothing. Devesh said, “Brother, I am going to Katha for you, buy whatever you want from whatever you find there.” Saying this he left for the story.

On the other hand, Prem woke up in the morning. Asked wife to bring tea. Suddenly a call came. This phone belonged to someone from Lehra. He told that the teak trees growing in your field were cut. Prem did not even wait for tea and picked up the bike and moved towards Lehra village. Here he directly reached Satya Prakash’s house. There was a dispute between the two here. Satya Prakash attacks Prem along with the entire family. Prem was killed by crushing him with bricks and stones.

Satya Prakash's house is in a narrow street.  Six dead bodies were taken out through this route.

Satya Prakash’s house is in a narrow street. Six dead bodies were taken out through this route.

The news of Prem Yadav’s death reached his house and the people around him. Immediately a crowd gathered. People took out the weapons kept in the house. Picked up the knife. Reached Lehra village by bike. People say that Prem’s brother Ramji was also included in this crowd. Seeing Prem’s dead body lying on the ground, his brother and supporters were shocked. Knocked the door of Satya Prakash but it did not open. Two people jumped over the wall and went inside and opened the door. The crowd reached inside.

The day his son Gandhi was born, he was assassinated.
The angry mob started killing whoever came in front of them. First, Satya Prakash was shot and then he was hit on the chest and face with a knife. After this his wife Kiran was killed. 18 year old Saloni was shot in the chest and then her throat was slit with a sharp weapon. His younger sister Nandini, 12, was also killed in the same manner. Today was the 15th birthday of Gandhi, the middle son of Satya Prakash. But the mob did not spare him and killed him.

Anmol, who survived the mob attack, is currently fighting between life and death in BRD Medical College.

Anmol, who survived the mob attack, is currently fighting between life and death in BRD Medical College.

8 year old Anmol was hit on the head with a sharp weapon. There was also an attack on the back. He fell unconscious. The crowd had killed everyone. She thought that Anmol was also dead, so she left from there. Prem Yadav’s dead body was left there. It was raining, so many people nearby did not even know about this massacre. Only then the women behind Satya Prakash’s house came to know about it. A crowd of villagers gathered. When information about six murders reached the police, they were shocked. Immediately reached the spot with the force.

We reached both the families. About 50 women were found sitting outside Prem Yadav’s house. There were not even a single man. Some people have been taken into custody by the police while some have gone away from the village out of fear. We spoke to Prem’s three daughters. She lives and studies in Deoria. Elder daughter Archana said, I have no information. Whenever Papa used to go somewhere, two people used to stay with him, but today when he got a call, he went alone and he killed. Saying this she starts crying. Prem’s wife’s condition was not such that she could talk.

These are the three daughters of Prem Yadav.  They still don't believe that Papa will never return.

These are the three daughters of Prem Yadav. They still don’t believe that Papa will never return.

There is no one to cry in Satya Prakash’s house
We left to go to Satya Prakash’s house. More than 50 police personnel were found on the way. When we reached home it was completely deserted. No one was visible far and wide. Only one room was built in a space of 50×100. Tins were kept at some other places. Overall, it appears that the financial condition of the family was not good. We stayed here for some time. Talked to the policemen. Asked if anyone else from his family came? The policemen said, “Nobody came here until they started crying.”

After this we reached the village. We found Raju. Raju says that Satya Prakash did not care about the people of the village. He did not speak to people, hence people also did not talk to him. We asked whether there could be someone else in Satya Prakash’s house involved in the murder of Prem Yadav? Raju again repeats his answer and says that no one can kill Prem by standing with Satya Prakash. A woman from the same village says, the hands of those murderers did not tremble while killing minor daughters! At least he would have left them.


To prevent violence from breaking out in the village, about 200 policemen have been deployed within a radius of three kilometers. ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar himself reached the spot. Said to take action against the accused. Talked about providing help from the government to the victim’s side.

At present….What has been achieved by this massacre is extremely painful. Satya Prakash’s younger son Anmol is struggling between life and death. Now he will never have the support of his parents, sisters and sisters. Elder son Devesh does not understand what to do. On the other hand, the shadow of their father disappeared from the heads of Prem Yadav’s three daughters. The wife has no consciousness at all. Overall everyone had their share of immense sorrow.

  • Finally look at this photo. Satya Prakash, his wife, two daughters and a son departed from this world together.
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