Son’s murder could be the reason for triple murder. The bullies wanted Dalit families not to settle in front, so they first threatened and then shot them.


Kaushambi3 minutes agoAuthor: Raksha Singh

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Son’s murder could be the reason for triple murder.  The bullies wanted Dalit families not to settle in front, so they first threatened and then shot them.

14 September..around 6 pm. 62 year old Horilal of Kaushambi was sitting at his house. The wife said, ‘Go to your daughter and son-in-law. The daughter is 6 months pregnant. Horilal obeyed his wife and came to his daughter, about 2 kilometers away from home. Daughter cooked food. Horilal and son-in-law sat together and ate and then everyone slept. Everyone had to get up at 5 in the morning, but no one got up. There was blood under the cot. The dogs were licking the blood.

Actually all three had died. The bullets had riddled the body. The people who were nearby had locked their houses and fled. Even before the information reached the police, people from other villages gathered and burnt the houses of those who had fled. In the next one hour, as much trouble as could be caused was done. Police arrived. Then officer. The situation was out of control, so PAC was called and the area was turned into a cantonment.

Actually this was not just an incident of murder. It was a crime committed due to caste superiority and economic prosperity. This was an attempt to show that do not build a house in front of us.

  • Dainik Bhaskar’s team reached the ground to cover this entire matter. Talked to the victim’s family. Saw the burnt house of the accused. To know the incident which led to this massacre. Let’s know everything from one side. First of all, let us know about an incident that happened seven years ago in Horilal’s family…

6 One year old son beaten to death on the accusation of stealing sugarcane Was

The family members of the deceased told us that 7 years ago there was a dispute over stealing sugarcane, in which their younger son was murdered.

The family members of the deceased told us that 7 years ago there was a dispute over stealing sugarcane, in which their younger son was murdered.

The story starts 7 years ago, i.e. from the year 2016. Horilal’s 7 year old son was playing outside the house. Children used to play at the same place every day. Running, the children reached near a sugarcane field. On the advice of the children, Horilal’s son plucked sugarcane from that field. This farm belonged to the people of Chauhan community of the village. He saw the child breaking sugarcane. He was accused of stealing sugarcane. He told the child that you belong to the Dalit community. How can you touch the sugarcane from our field?

When the matter escalated, they started beating the child. The child suffered a deep injury on his head. He was hurriedly taken to the hospital. But the child died. Even before this incident, there used to be minor disputes between Chauhan-Yadav and the Dalit community in the village. But after this, some controversy or the other started happening every day.

  • This was the story of 7 years ago. Now let us come back to the recent incident…

The daughter was unwell, so the father came to stay with her.
Mohidinpur Gauspur Charva village of Kaushambi. Here Horilal had a one-room house made of tin, tarpaulin and raw bricks. His daughter Brijkali and son-in-law Shivsharan lived in this hut. Horilal lived with his wife and other children at a distance of about 2 kilometers from here. Brijkali was about to become a mother. She had a 6 month old child in her stomach. On the afternoon of 14 September, Shivsharan called Horilal’s wife i.e. his mother-in-law. Told that Brijkali’s health is a little bad. When it was found out that the daughter was ill, her mother asked Horilal to go and stay with her daughter that night.

He came to his daughter at around 6 pm. Inquired about his well-being. Then everyone went to sleep after having dinner. The house was small. There was only one cot inside, so Brijkali lay down on it. While Horilal lay down on the cot lying outside the house and his son-in-law lay down on the cot lying nearby. A black dog was also sleeping under the bed.

The accused came and shot all three with bullets.

In the picture is the same tin house in which Horilal's daughter was sleeping.  Horilal was lying on the cot lying outside and his son-in-law was lying on the throne.

In the picture is the same tin house in which Horilal’s daughter was sleeping. Horilal was lying on the cot lying outside and his son-in-law was lying on the throne.

Around 5 in the morning. Brijkali, who had slept inside the house at night, was unconscious outside and fell on her husband. Blood was dripping from under the cot and the bed. The dogs were licking blood, while one dog was lying unconscious. All the villagers gathered around. The bodies of Horilal, his daughter and son-in-law were lying outside the house. The villagers heard the sound of bullets, but no one could understand what had happened. Then a villager told that some people had come from behind the house. No one could see how many people there were.

They shot Horilal first. After that his son-in-law lying nearby was shot with bullets. When the daughter came out after hearing the sound, they killed her too. The daughter got shocked and fell on her husband. By the time the villagers heard the sound and gathered there, the accused had fled from there. The villagers suspected that they might be people of Chauhan and Yadav community living opposite. Everyone ran towards his house, but there was no one there. All the accused had already fled.

Angry mob burnt houses, burnt bikes
The news of the murder of 3 people of Dalit community quickly reached the surrounding villages. From there the crowd of people started moving towards Mohaddinpur. Suddenly this number crossed 1 thousand. There are about 15 houses of Chauhan community in front of the place where the murder took place. The crowd entered the houses. Whatever stuff was found, it was broken. A car was found in front of the house and it was burnt. A total of about 10 bikes were destroyed in such a condition that it became difficult to identify them.

As soon as information about three murders was received, Kaushambi police reached there. But by that time the situation had gone out of control. Because the mob got angry and reached the rooftops of people’s houses. All of them said that he was killed because he was a Dalit, so everything has to be ruined here. Amidst continuous arson and vandalism, police teams from Fatehpur and Banda districts also reached Prayagraj. 5 fire tenders started extinguishing the fire. The police dispersed the crowd and the situation became somewhat normal.

After three murders, caste violence started spreading in the village.  The crowd gathered.  Whatever thing came in front of the people, they burnt it.

After three murders, caste violence started spreading in the village. The crowd gathered. Whatever thing came in front of the people, they burnt it.

  • When we talked to Horilal’s family, we came across two reasons for this triple murder. First: Land dispute. Second: Son’s murder happened 7 years ago. First let us know the dispute over that land.

First reason: The people in front did not want Dalits to settle in front.

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The price of land in Mohaddinpur was not high earlier, but three years ago an ITI institute was built right in front of this village. Due to this the price of the land here reached lakhs of rupees. There is about 15 bighas of government land right in front of the ITI institute. In 2009, this land was given on lease for farming to those people who did not have land for farming. Lalchand was also one of those who got land.

On July 13, 2009, the then accountant Vasudev gave a lease of 10 biswa land to Lalchand. Next year, Lalchand cleared the wild trees and plants growing on that land and made it in such a way that it could be cultivated from the next year. But after that Lalchand met with an accident. Got serious leg injury. After which he could not do farming on that land. He did not go towards that land for a long time, then Dashrath Lal from opposite corner captured some part of that land.

Lalchand made a written complaint about this to different officials. but to no avail. Dasharatha offered Lalchand to sell this land to him. But Lalchand was not ready for this. Meanwhile, in 2020, Horilal’s son-in-law Shivsharan decided to stay in Mohaddinpur instead of his home in Kakarabad. He talked to Lalchand and on September 25, 2022, he bought about two biswas of land for Rs 3 lakh. Here it was more a matter of possession than purchase. Because, those living in front had clearly said that they will not allow Dalits to settle here.

Shivsharan opened a public service center next to ITI College and started living here. There was a dispute regarding living here. Shiv Sharan received threats several times. But instead of leaving the place, he thought it better to go to the police. The police did not take any effective action. This is the reason why three people were murdered on the night of 14 September.

Second reason: murder of son seven years ago
Seven years ago today, Horilal’s son was killed. The family members told that those who killed him were also from the same community. In both the cases, the accused had to move together. However, at that time the people who had murdered the son were arrested. But his hearing is still going on. Horilal was also present there at the time of the son’s murder. Therefore he was the main witness in this incident. A few days later, the hearing date of this incident was fixed. Therefore, it is possible that Horilal and his family were murdered because of the same seven-year-old dispute.

  • So far we have learned the reason behind the triple murder and the old dispute. Let us know the situation at this time…

People have run away leaving vegetables and half bread in the pan

When the houses were burnt, people fled the village in whatever condition they were in.  Many people left their food midway and ran away.

When the houses were burnt, people fled the village in whatever condition they were in. Many people left their food midway and ran away.

After meeting the victim’s family, we reached the destroyed and burnt houses of the accused. We found a house. Where half cooked rice was found in the cooker and vegetables were found in the pan. There was a piece of bread nearby. When the mob reached the village, the people of that house left their food and ran away to save their lives. The animals that were tied outside the house were freed by the police. They are strolling in the village itself.

Suresh Singh, who is said to be the main accused in this case, is posted in PAC. The mob entered Suresh’s house and set the room on fire. There were more books scattered inside in front of the kitchen. The police somehow took out the gas cylinder from inside the house and threw it outside. Similar conditions existed in all the 15 houses there. The mob has destroyed everything. When we asked the police officers present at the spot about robbery, they denied such a possibility.

Horilal’s wife was lying unconscious in grief over her husband and daughter.
When we met Horilal’s wife, she was lying unconscious on the ground. As soon as she tried to talk, she would faint. The villagers were somehow trying to bring him back to consciousness by giving him water. While talking to us, he told that his daughter has studied BA. Apart from this, he has also done a medical course. She used to work as a nurse in a nearby hospital.

Mother further says that we lost four members of our family. My daughter was about to become a mother. Her child had not even seen the world yet, but before that they killed him.

in the end,
Horilal’s family members have filed a case against 8 people. Two of which have been arrested by the police. All the family had to say was that we want all the accused to be caught and they should be given death sentence.

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