Shimla: Kinnaur district cut off from Country | Massive landslide in Nigulsari | spain | National Highway closed | Himachal Shimla Kinnaur News | Shortage of petrol, diesel and essential goods; There is no hope of NH being restored even in the next two-three days.


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  • Shimla: Kinnaur District Cut Off From Country | Massive Landslide In Nigulsari | spain | National Highway Closed | Himachal Shimla Kinnaur News

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Shimla: Kinnaur district cut off from Country |  Massive landslide in Nigulsari |  spain |  National Highway closed |  Himachal Shimla Kinnaur News |  Shortage of petrol, diesel and essential goods;  There is no hope of NH being restored even in the next two-three days.

JCB engaged in restoring the damaged road in Nigulsari

National Highway-5, connecting the Hindustan-Tibet border, has been closed for seven days at Nigulsari in Kinnaur. Due to this, there is a shortage of some essential goods along with petrol and diesel in tribal district Kinnaur. Keeping this in view, the local administration has fixed the quantity of oil filled in vehicles.

The administration has issued orders to provide 80 liters of oil for trucks, 10 liters for jeeps, five liters for cars, two liters for motorcycles and 10 liters for school buses. Due to the closure of the highway for a week, the local people, farmers and gardeners as well as tourism businessmen are worried because tourists from all over the country come to Kinnaur.

Damaged highway in Nigulsari

Damaged highway in Nigulsari

No hope of opening of next two-three highways

The concern is that despite work being done day and night, there is little hope of the highway being restored soon in the next two-three days. Big rocks are falling again and again on the spot. This is creating hindrance in the road restoration work.

Relief to apple orchards and farmers

People are upset due to closure of NH. Their contact with the country and the world has been cut off. It is a matter of relief that Spain has been planted to remove the pea and apple crops from Nigulsari. Through this, pea and apple crops are being transported from the point blocked by landslide in Nigulsari to Chhota Kamba bridge. Apples and peas are being sent in trucks from Chhota Kamba to the markets of the country.

National highway connecting Hindustan-Tibet border damaged in Nigulsari

National highway connecting Hindustan-Tibet border damaged in Nigulsari

400 meter portion of highway caved in

About 400 meter portion of the highway caved in in Nigulsari last Wednesday night. Trucks and pickups laden with apples were also hit by this. Since then the highway is closed to vehicles. The administration is working day and night in the restoration of the road. But due to the breaking of the hill it is being hampered.

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