Rajasthan Petrol Pump Strike; Alwar, Kota and Jodhpur Situation | Petrol Diesel VAT Rate | Strike ineffective in three cities, 60 pumps of petroleum company are open, talks started with government


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Rajasthan Petrol Pump Strike;  Alwar, Kota and Jodhpur Situation |  Petrol Diesel VAT Rate |  Strike ineffective in three cities, 60 pumps of petroleum company are open, talks started with government

The photo is of Jedhpur city. The local association had written a letter to the collector informing him that they would not support it and would continue the sale.

Petrol and diesel has stopped being available in 47 out of 50 districts of Rajasthan since this morning. Rajasthan Petroleum Dealers Association has gone on indefinite strike for not accepting the demand of reducing VAT.

However, more than 500 pumps in Alwar, Kota, Jaisalmer, Chittorgarh and Jodhpur cities have opted out of this strike due to various reasons.

At the same time, 60 company-run pumps are also working in the state. At the same time, the government has also started talks with the Petrol Pump Association on their demands. Food Minister Pratap Singh is talking to the officials of Khachariyawas Association.

Earlier, a symbolic strike of 8 hours each was held on Wednesday and Thursday. During this period, about 7 thousand pumps in the state remained closed.

The photo is of Jodhpur city.  The strike is not supported here.  Petrol-diesel is available at all 74 pumps in the city.

The photo is of Jodhpur city. The strike is not supported here. Petrol-diesel is available at all 74 pumps in the city.

Petrol and diesel will be available at 60 cocoa pumps in the state.

There will be no supply of petrol, diesel and CNG-LPG at all the pumps in the state. Pump owners had demanded reduction in VAT, but the government did not take any decision. No representative of the government contacted the dealers.

At the same time, petrol and diesel are being sold at 60 pumps across the state operated by companies. These also include 8 cocoa pumps of Jaipur. Around 6500 pumps in the state are closed due to the strike.

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Petrol dealers in Rajasthan are demanding implementation of VAT at par with neighboring state Punjab, as there is a difference of Rs 11.52 per liter in petrol prices between Punjab and Rajasthan. Similarly, there is a difference of about Rs 6.43 in diesel. Due to this, sales are continuously decreasing in the state.

Its effect has not been seen in Kota also.  Here we had definitely supported the symbolic strike for two days, but the pumps have been restarted from Friday.

Its effect has not been seen in Kota also. Here we had definitely supported the symbolic strike for two days, but the pumps have been restarted from Friday.

Petrol pumps opened in Jodhpur-Alwar-Kota city

Rajasthan Petroleum Dealers Assoc. No impact of petrol pump strike is visible in Jodhpur city. Divisional President Gopal Singh Rudiya said that 74 petrol pumps in the city will remain open, but the pumps in rural areas are closed.

All petrol pumps are open in Kota district. President of Kota Petrol Diesel Pump Dealer Association, Tarumit Singh Bedi said that sales are going on at all 250 pumps in the district. Yesterday the delegation met the Minister, where after assurance, the strike has been postponed for the time being in view of public interest.

The photo is of Jaisalmer city.  There was no effect of the symbolic strike here even on Thursday and sales continued at the pumps on Friday also.

The photo is of Jaisalmer city. There was no effect of the symbolic strike here even on Thursday and sales continued at the pumps on Friday also.

Similarly, 58 petrol pumps are open in Jaisalmer city. The petrol pump owners of the city neither participated in the symbolic strike nor in the complete bandh. The pump operator says that due to the desert area, there are less pumps in the district. People come from long distances to fill petrol. This decision has been taken so that they do not face any problem.

Similarly, in Chittorgarh city also, out of 12 pumps, only 4 to 5 are closed, while the sale is going on in the rest. Satyanarayan Nandwana, director of Bharat Petroleum Dealers at Chittorgarh Filling Station, said that it was kept open considering the needs of the public. Provided support for two days but there were many people who were very needy.

This is the main petrol pump of the city.  Keeping in view the convenience of the people, it was started on Friday.

This is the main petrol pump of the city. Keeping in view the convenience of the people, it was started on Friday.

College school kids also need this. Some people were taking patients on bikes but could not even give them a ride. He told that in the meeting held a week ago, he was asked not to take up the issue of weight. Did not support it but considered the union as a symbolic bandh.

Its mixed effect was seen in Tonk district also. There are 154 petrol pumps here. Of these, more than 130 pumps remained closed. Pump operators of the private company were not involved in this strike. On Friday also an attempt was made to convince the local association but they did not agree.

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At the same time, in Alwar also the operators kept the pumps running during the symbolic strike. The district association says that if there had been a demand for inclusion in GST and increase in commission in addition to VAT, they would have supported the strike. Which is bigger than the demand placed by the association. In such a situation, they are not supporting this strike. All 194 pumps of Alwar are working.

The photo is of Dausa.  Due to the closure of the pump here, the drivers had to face a lot of trouble.

The photo is of Dausa. Due to the closure of the pump here, the drivers had to face a lot of trouble.

Wheels stopped on Jaipur-National Highway in Dausa, crowd at company pump in Sawai Madhopur

Here, many drivers had to face problems due to non-availability of petrol and diesel. For once, even the wheels of commercial vehicles have stopped on the Jaipur National Highway. Despite requests, petrol pump operators are not selling. There has been a rush of drivers in Sawai Madhopur due to the opening of SR Company’s pumps. There is a long line of vehicles there since morning.

Due to this strike, around 200 petrol pumps in Sikar district are closed. Due to closure of petrol pumps, common people are facing a lot of problems. Sikar resident Rajendra Jhuria told that he was about to go to Jaipur for some important work. But when he came to the petrol pump to get diesel filled, diesel was not available at the pump. Now he will not be able to go to Jaipur. Rajendra has demanded from the government that The government should arrange for diesel petrol as soon as possible so that the common man does not face any problem.

182 petrol pumps are closed in Bharatpur. There are 21 petrol pumps in the district which were closed 5 years ago. Similarly, the effect of the strike was seen in Pali district also. There are about 242 pumps in the district which are closed. There are 3 cocoa pumps, 2 at Sanderao and 1 at Pali-Jodhpur bypass.

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When sales decreased, many petrol pumps were closed

Due to high VAT in Rajasthan, truck and bus operators fill their vehicles with fuel from neighboring states Punjab, UP, Haryana, Gujarat and Delhi. 25 districts of the state are partially affected by this. The situation is worse in areas like Ganganagar and Hanumangarh. Smuggling of petrol and diesel is also taking place in Hanumangarh and Ganganagar due to its proximity to Punjab. For this reason, 270 petrol pumps have been closed in the last four years and many others are also on the verge of closure.

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