Parliament Visitor Gallery; Shiv Sena Priyanka Chaturvedi Letter To Jagdeep Dhankhar | Said- The dignity of the House was violated due to political sloganeering by women visitors, get it investigated.


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  • Parliament Visitor Gallery; Shiv Sena Priyanka Chaturvedi Letter To Jagdeep Dhankhar

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Parliament Visitor Gallery;  Shiv Sena Priyanka Chaturvedi Letter To Jagdeep Dhankhar |  Said- The dignity of the House was violated due to political sloganeering by women visitors, get it investigated.

On September 21, during the discussion on the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Rajya Sabha, about 50 women visitors were present in the House. Priyanka Chaturvedi has accused him of political sloganeering.

Shiv Sena (Uddhav faction) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi has written a letter to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. In this, action has been demanded on the sloganeering raised by women visitors during the parliamentary proceedings on September 21. He said that during the discussion on the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Rajya Sabha, some women called by the MPs had raised political slogans.

While giving information about this letter, Priyanka said that the female visitors had come on the invitation of the MPs. No visitor is allowed to speak during parliamentary proceedings. I am sorry that despite there being so much security in the Parliament, some women raised slogans. This incident violates Rule 264. Under this, I have written a letter to the Chairman.

The picture is of Rajya Sabha.  The visitors' gallery is above the MPs' seating area.  From here the general public can watch and listen to the parliamentary proceedings.

The picture is of Rajya Sabha. The visitors’ gallery is above the MPs’ seating area. From here the general public can watch and listen to the parliamentary proceedings.

Responsibility of the MP who brings visitors to the House in case of any untoward incident
Priyanka further wrote in the letter that the rules for visitors are given in Rule 264 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of Rajya Sabha. Under this rule, an MP can apply for a visitor’s card for any person whom he knows personally. In some special cases, the MP can also apply for visiting card for such people who have been introduced to him by someone he knows.

In the second case, MPs should be very cautious. They are advised to keep in mind that if the people who have been given visitor’s card and permission to sit in the House on their application, indulge in any inappropriate activity or cause any untoward incident, they will be held responsible for the same. Will belong to that MP.

The dignity of the House was violated, demand for investigation
Priyanka further said that more than fifty visitors raised slogans in the House, this is a matter of concern. Opposition parties had walked out of the House in protest against this security lapse. In such a situation, it is very important that this matter be investigated thoroughly, so that it can be found out how the security within the walls of Rajya Sabha and the dignity of the House was violated.

Whoever is responsible behind this uproar, action should be taken against them. The MPs whose involvement in this incident was found should also be punished. We should do everything so that the dignity of Parliament is maintained.

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