Lok Sabha MP Criminal Cases State Wise Report | Delhi Bihar Maharashtra Serious cases registered against total 194 and 50% MPs of Bihar


New Delhi14 hours ago

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Lok Sabha MP Criminal Cases State Wise Report |  Delhi Bihar Maharashtra  Serious cases registered against total 194 and 50% MPs of Bihar

Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) has released a report regarding the criminal cases registered against MPs. It has been told that out of total 763 MPs of the country, 306 MPs have criminal cases registered against them. Of these, there are serious cases of murder and atrocities against women against 194 MPs.

ADR has released this report quoting the affidavit filed by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members.

Cases registered against maximum 41 MPs of Bihar
The report further states that one MP from Lakshadweep, 23 out of 29 MPs from Kerala, 41 out of 56 MPs from Bihar, 37 out of 65 MPs from Maharashtra, 13 out of 24 MPs from Telangana and 10 MPs from Delhi. Criminal cases are registered against 5.

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Serious cases registered against maximum 37 MPs of UP
ADR said in its report that one from Lakshadweep, 28 out of 56 MPs from Bihar, 9 out of 24 MPs from Telangana, 10 out of 29 MPs from Kerala, 22 out of 65 MPs from Maharashtra and 37 out of 108 MPs from UP. Serious cases are registered against him.

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12% of Rajya Sabha MPs are billionaires
Out of 225 members of Rajya Sabha, 27 (12%) are billionaires. The highest number of billionaire MPs are members of BJP. BJP has 85 members out of 225, out of which 6 i.e. 7% MPs are billionaires. Out of 30 members of Congress, 4 i.e. 13% are billionaires.

4 out of 9 (44%) MPs of YSR Congress, 3 out of 10 (30%) of Aam Aadmi Party and 3 out of 7 (43%) of BRS MPs are billionaires. If we talk about states, the highest number of billionaire MPs are from Andhra Pradesh 45% and Telangana 43%.

Average property of Rajya Sabha MPs is Rs 80.93 crore
The average property of current Rajya Sabha MPs is Rs 80.93 crore. The average property of BJP MPs is Rs 30.34 crore. The average property of 30 Congress MPs is Rs 51.65 crore, the average property of 13 Trinamool Congress members is Rs 3.55 crore, the property of 9 MPs of YSR Congress is Rs 395.68 crore, the property of 7 MPs of Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS) is Rs 799.46 crore.

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Assets of 4001 MLAs of the country amount to ₹54,000 crore.
The total assets of 4,001 sitting MLAs of the country are Rs 54,545 crore. This is more than the total annual budget for 2023-24 of the three North East states – Nagaland, Mizoram and Sikkim – by Rs 49,103 crore. The ADR report covers 4001 sitting MLAs and independent MLAs from 84 political parties.

According to this, the average asset of MLAs is Rs 13.63 crore. The average assets of 1356 BJP MLAs is Rs 11.97 crore. At the same time, the average asset of 719 Congress MLAs is Rs 21.97 crore. Read the full news…

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