Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference; General Manoj Pandey Pacific Ocean | Army Chief said – There are some challenges in the Pacific region, we are in favor of peaceful solution


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Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference;  General Manoj Pandey  Pacific Ocean |  Army Chief said – There are some challenges in the Pacific region, we are in favor of peaceful solution

Indian Army Chief General Manoj Pandey addressing the Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference held at Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi.

The 13th Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference is being held at the Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi. This three-day long conference started on September 25 and will end on September 27.

22 army chiefs from around the world are participating in this conference. Indian Army Chief, General Manoj Pandey on Monday personally met the army chiefs of Japan, US, Vietnam, Kenya and Australia.

In view of China’s aggressive attitude in the Pacific Ocean, Manoj Pandey said on Tuesday, India insists on maintaining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.

General Manoj Pandey meeting US Army Chief of Staff Randy George.

General Manoj Pandey meeting US Army Chief of Staff Randy George.

General Manoj Pandey met Japan's Army Chief General Morishita Yasunori.

General Manoj Pandey met Japan’s Army Chief General Morishita Yasunori.

General Manoj Pandey meeting Australian Army Chief Simon Stuart.

General Manoj Pandey meeting Australian Army Chief Simon Stuart.

Manoj Pandey said- We insist on peaceful solution
Addressing a conference, General Pandey also said that India always emphasizes on a peaceful solution for the Indo-Pacific. We insist on refraining from the use of force and adhering to international laws.

The Army Chief said, despite so many efforts, we are seeing interstate disputes and competition between countries to outdo each other. The challenges we face transcend borders and our response to them must include them.

Defense Minister said – Neighborhood First is our culture
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, who came to participate in the conference, said, ‘Neighbourhood First’ has been the cornerstone of our culture since ancient times. India’s approach to the region is defined by its ‘Act East Policy’.

India’s efforts towards building strong military partnerships with friendly countries reflect our commitment not only to safeguard our own national interests but also to address the critical global challenges facing all of us.

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What did the army chiefs of other countries who came to participate in the conference say?

US Army Chief of Staff General Randy George said at the Indo Pacific Chiefs of Staff Conference, “We all know that the way of war is changing and we talk about how to strengthen our profession.”

Canadian Deputy Army Chief Major General Peter Scott, who came to participate in this conference, also spoke on Trudeau’s statement. He said, I am aware of the statement of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The government’s stance, the request to cooperate and participate in the investigation with India but that issue actually did not have an impact on us here at the Indo-Pacific Conference. In true sense, we are here to build military to military relationship and we will let our respective governments (India-Canada) deal with that issue themselves.

Indian and American armies are hosting together
The Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference is being jointly organized by the armies of India and the United States. This is the world’s largest conference of Army and Navy.

The objective of this conference is to promote peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region through mutual understanding, dialogue and friendship. The theme of this year’s conference is “Together for Peace: Sustaining Peace and Stability in the Indo-Pacific Region”.

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