Inclusive and comprehensive development policies made TS a role model for the country, says Chief Minister  


File photo of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao

File photo of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao

Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has asserted that the inclusive and comprehensive development model adopted by the State government that has ushered in accelerated progress in various sectors in a short span of nine years has become the role model for the country.

The government was committed to continue the ‘Telangana Model’, as it has come to be known across the country, for equitably distributing the fruits of development to all sections in the coming days in fulfilment of the aspirations of the freedom struggle. The Chief Minister was speaking at the conclusion of the year-long celebrations of diamond jubilee of Independence organised here on Friday.

His address was preceded by cultural programmes that included recital of classical vocal music, Bharatiya Bhavana dance performance, symphony of freedom instrumental music and Vajrotsava Harathi, dance performance by Manjula Ramaswamy and team. Recalling the sacrifices made by scores of people for the country’s Independence, he said separate Statehood for Telangana could be achieved because of the peaceful struggle based on the Gandhian principles of non-violence.

“I was firm on achieving separate Statehood through peaceful means. Some disagreed with me, but subsequently followed the same path,” he said recalling that he had firmed up the idea of going on an indefinite fast in this regard.

Like a section of people who preferred British rule to Independence, there were forces that were opposed to separate Statehood and indulged in misleading the people against joining the movement for separate Telangana. “The same forces are now shamelessly trying to teach people about the Telangana agitation,” he said.

The government was firm on ensuring that governance in the new State reflected the aspirations of the freedom struggle and therefore, steps were taken to address the crisis facing the agriculture sector. Schemes like Rythu Bandhu had been introduced as part of farmers’ empowerment and steps were initiated in line with the Gandhian ideal of Gram Swaraj for empowerment of rural areas.

“Our government could mitigate the drinking water problem from the grass root level and stood as a model for the country,” he averred. Priority accorded to welfare, farmer centric policies of the government and focus on all round development of rural areas reflected influence of Gandhian ideals on the governance.

Chief Secretary A. Santhi Kumari elaborated on the programmes taken up since the launch of the diamond jubilee celebrations on August 8 last year.


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