I swore on the Quran that I will not leave you. , A 4-year-old child’s head was broken, then his eyes were gouged out with a knife; The family wants him to stay in jail for the rest of his life.


One hour agoAuthor: Rajesh Sahu

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I swore on the Quran that I will not leave you.  ,  A 4-year-old child’s head was broken, then his eyes were gouged out with a knife;  The family wants him to stay in jail for the rest of his life.

There was a dispute between two women. The reason for the dispute was a fight between their younger children. A woman said that I swear on the Quran, I will kill your son within 8 days. The other woman thought this was just part of the fight. But that woman seemed determined. Only two days passed. He caught the child playing outside. Took her inside the house. First hit him on the head with a hammer. After this his eyes were gouged out with a knife. When the child died, he hid it in a part of the room. As soon as evening came, it was thrown into the pond behind.

Fights over small matters were a daily occurrence here.
Makrandpur Kahinjari village is under Rasulabad police station in Kanpur Dehat. There is a Muslim settlement on one side of the village. About 400 people live in it. Most of them are supporting their families by working as laborers or as hawkers. This is where Irfan and Sajjaar live with their three children. About 4 years ago, while working in a mill, Irfan’s left hand got hit by a machine and his palm was cut. After a few months, Irfan’s condition got better, but he stopped getting work because he could not do any work with his left hand.

When Irfan did not get work here, Sajjaar's father called him to Hyderabad.

When Irfan did not get work here, Sajjaar’s father called him to Hyderabad.

As time passed, the financial situation started worsening, so Irfan’s father-in-law called him to Hyderabad. Irfan used to stay here with them and do small jobs and send whatever money he got home to his wife Sajara. Here, Saajar also used to earn some money by doing whatever work she got. With this the family’s expenses were covered.

There were often disputes between women in the locality over small matters. Rehana was at the forefront of this dispute. She often started quarreling with other women. His quarrelsome nature also affected his three children. He also often started fighting with children of his age. Instead of stopping Rehana, she used to beat up anyone who quarreled with her children. Due to this, he had a dispute with about 10 women nearby.

Threatened to kill the child by swearing on the Quran
On September 13, Sajahar’s 5-year-old daughter had gone to buy groceries from a nearby grocery store. Then Rehana’s 12 year old son killed her. She came home crying and told the whole thing to her mother. When Sajara reached Rehana with her daughter’s complaint, she was upset. She said, has my son raped your daughter? Had she raped, she would have come.” On this, Sajara also replied in a loud voice.

  • Rehana said, “I swear on Allah and the Quran, I will kill your son in the next 8 days.” Sajar took this threat of Rehana lightly. Not even once did he think that this could be a reality.
We have this photo of Rehana, which is after her arrest.

We have this photo of Rehana, which is after her arrest.

15 September. That is, two days after the threat. 4 year old Qadir was playing outside the house at around 2 pm. Rehana called him near her and took him inside the house. After this he took out a hammer and hit Qadir hard on the head. Qadir fell down and started writhing in pain. Rehana gave several hits on the head one after the other with a hammer. After this he picked up the knife and attacked Qadir severely. Tore out his eyes.

When Rehana realized that Qadir was dead, she hid him behind a box in the room and waited for evening. On the other hand, after about an hour, Sajara started searching for her child. Told the people nearby. Started searching for the child at all the villages, farms and crossroads. Saira reached Rehana. Asked him about the child. He shook his head ‘no’. Saira was suspicious, so she reached Rasulabad police station with some people.

This is the back part of the accused's house.  As soon as evening came, Rehana threw the dead body in the pond.

This is the back part of the accused’s house. As soon as evening came, Rehana threw the dead body in the pond.

It was evening. Rehana picked up Qadir and in a hurry threw him into the pond behind the house and ran away. She changed her blood stained clothes and wore a burqa and went out somewhere. As soon as he left, people started searching for the child in the pond. After some time, Qadir was found in the pond behind Rehana’s house. As soon as the news of his death came, there was an outcry. Due to the death of her only son, Sajara became very sad and started crying. Irfan also left from Hyderabad after hearing the news of the death.

Hit him on the head with a hammer, then gouged out his eyes with a knife.
On Sajara’s complaint, the police registered a case and started investigation. Rehana was definitely suspected, but there was no evidence. Dog squad team came. The forensic team started the investigation with blood splatter. Rehana was detained and interrogation started. At first he gave vague answers, but when put to scrutiny he confessed to the murder. Blood splatter, the hammer and knife used in the murder were recovered inside the house.

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Sajara says, “When she talked about killing her son, we did not think that she would kill my child. She also has three children. But she killed my only son. She killed me with a lot of torture. He cut off his entire head with a hammer and knife. Tore out his eyes. We didn’t even have a big fight. But he ended my lineage. Now I won’t even have children.”

Irfan says, “I had called a day before the incident. Then Lalla had said that Papa should bring a bicycle for us. We had told him that if your grandfather gives money, we will bring it. The next day when I called, Then Sajjaar told that Lalla could not be found. We thought that he would be somewhere nearby, but later we came to know that he had been killed. We had no dispute with Rehana or her husband, but he killed us.”

Amidst all this, we asked Kadir’s 6-year-old sister, “Where is your brother?” No answer came out of the girl’s mouth. She began to cry. Somehow he was silenced. The girl used to go to the nearby Anganwadi every day with her brother. Now she is completely alone.

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The woman is psycho, had a fight with 10 women
Regarding Rehana and her family, Irfan’s uncle Razauddin says, “That woman is a psycho. It had become her habit to abuse people and fight with people. Her children used to throw stones at my old mother, but she used to stop them.” Instead of stopping her, she would start fighting with our own family. She would swear on the Quran every day that if any child came towards us, I would kill her. If we were not there, she would have fed many of the children here to the turtles of the pond. “

At present, the police has arrested Rehana and sent her to jail. Qadir’s body was buried in the village itself, about 30 meters away from the house of the accused woman. Due to a minor dispute, a mother’s womb became empty. A disabled father lost his support. He wants Rehana to be sentenced to life in jail.

  • Finally, look at the time line of this case…
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