G-20 Summit 2023 | New Delhi declaration accepts disproportionate impact of climate change on women


The G-20 declaration adopted here accepted the disproportionate impact of climate change on all women and girls. Representational file image.

The G-20 declaration adopted here accepted the disproportionate impact of climate change on all women and girls. Representational file image.
| Photo Credit: PTI

The G-20 nations on Saturday resolved to increase women’s participation and leadership in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and support gender-responsive solutions to build resilience to the impact of climate change.

The G-20 declaration adopted here accepted the disproportionate impact of climate change on all women and girls, and decided to accelerate climate action with gender equality at its core.

“To this end, we will support and increase women’s participation, partnership, decision-making and leadership in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster risk reduction strategies and policy frameworks on environmental issues, support gender-responsive and environment-resilient solutions, including water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) solutions, to build resilience to the impact of climate change and environmental degradation,” the declaration said.

The document further agreed to establish a new Working Group on Empowerment of Women in order to further empower women and promote gender equality. The working group will hold its inaugural meeting during the Brazilian G-20 Presidency

“We commit to close gender gaps, promote full, equal, effective women’s participation in the economy as decision-makers,” the declaration said, outlining a comprehensive plan to translate these commitments into tangible actions.

This includes bridging the labour force gap, promoting STEM education for girls, advancing women in the workforce, strengthening social protection, eliminating gender-based violence, promoting financial inclusion, challenging gender stereotypes, and bridging the digital gender divide.

The G-20 leaders have also set the ambitious goal of halving the digital gender gap by 2030, emphasising the importance of gender-responsive policies in the digital economy.

The declaration also focussed on risks encountered from increased digitisation, and said nations will also identify and eliminate all potential risks from it, including all forms of online and offline abuse, by encouraging the adoption of safety-by-design approaches in digital tools and technologies.

“Promote and implement gender-responsive policies to create an enabling, inclusive, and non-discriminatory digital economy for women-led and -owned businesses, including MSMEs [micro, small and medium enterprises]. Encourage and support initiatives by identifying, funding, and accelerating proven solutions, thereby improving women’s livelihoods and income security,” it said.

The G-20 has also pledged to encourage investments in inclusive, sustainable, and resilient agriculture and food systems to address the critical issue of women’s food security and nutrition.

The declaration also committed to support gender-responsive and age-sensitive nutrition and food system interventions by leveraging innovative financing instruments and social protection systems in ending hunger and malnutrition.


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