Cauvery: Karnataka to challenge CWRC direction in Supreme Court


Cauvery: Karnataka to challenge CWRC direction in Supreme Court

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah interacting with farmers who were protesting at Muguru village on Cauvery river water sharing issue. , Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, said the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee’s (CWRC) direction to Karnataka to release 3,000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu from September 28 to October 15 will be challenged before the Supreme Court.

Also read: Editorial | Expertise over politics

Speaking to reporters in MMMhills in Chamarajanagar on Wednesday, Mr. Siddaramaiah said he had discussed the CWRC’s direction issued on September 26 with the legal experts. Based on their opinion, Karnataka will be challenging the CWRC’s direction in the Supreme court. “We are challenging the orders of the Regulatory Committee before the Supreme Court”, he said.

Karnataka does not have water to release to Tamil Nadu, Mr Siddaramaiah added.

To a question, Mr Siddaramaiah said a total of 195 taluks in the State were reeling under drought due to failure of rains this year.

With regard to the call for Karnataka bundh on the Cauvery issue on September 29, Mr Siddaramaiah said protests were permitted in democracy. However, he referred to the Supreme Court order against bandhs and said the State Government will keep the Apex court’s direction in mind.

With regard to the protests by Opposition leaders, Mr Siddaramaiah said BJP and JD (S) were playing politics in the name of Cauvery.

myth shattered

With regard to myth about Chief Ministers losing power after visiting Chamarajanagar, Mr Siddaramaiah said he never believed in superstition.

“That is why I came to Chamarajanagar after becoming Chief Minister during the previous tenure. I came to Chamarajanagar on 12 occasions. I remained firmly in the Chief Minister’s seat for five years”.

So, the myth has now been shattered, Mr Siddaramaiah claimed.


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