41 years spotless…1 death put a lock | Sanjay Gandhi Hospital closed…more than 600 patients returning disappointed every day; 450 employees fear losing their jobs


Amethi21 minutes agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari / Rajesh Sahu

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41 years spotless…1 death put a lock |  Sanjay Gandhi Hospital closed…more than 600 patients returning disappointed every day;  450 employees fear losing their jobs

A Question…? In which hospital there is no death? Every person’s answer would be, ‘This happens in every hospital.’ Same is the condition of Sanjay Gandhi Hospital of Amethi. On September 14, a female patient was admitted here. When he was taken to the operation theatre, his condition worsened. Referred to Lucknow, where the patient died.

The government gave notice to the hospital. Before the hospital could think anything, an order came to seal it. The family members of the patient who died say that action should be taken against those who are guilty. But we do not want the hospital to be closed.

There was a stone in the stomach so he went to the hospital to get an operation.
Divya Shukla was married to Anuj Shukla of Ramshahpur about two years ago. One year after marriage, Divya gave birth to a son. Name was Anmesh Shukla. Divya was always happy but sometimes she would suddenly have severe pain in her stomach. The husband took her to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Munshiganj. Where upon examination it was found that there were kidney stones. The family decided that the operation would be done here. The investigation was completed on 13th September and recruitment was called on 14th.

Divya gave birth to a son 10 months ago.  She was healthy before being admitted to the hospital.

Divya gave birth to a son 10 months ago. She was healthy before being admitted to the hospital.

On time, Anuj reached the hospital with his wife and child. Admitted there. Doctor Mohd. Raza had to undergo operation. Before that the anesthesia team injected unconsciousness to Divya. After this his condition worsened. Immediately admitted to ICU. When Raza saw, he said that there was no condition for operation.

After this the physician doctors started the treatment. But the condition did not improve. Immediately referred to Medanta Hospital, Lucknow. Where Divya died on 16 September. After Divya’s death, family members created a ruckus in Sanjay Gandhi Hospital.

Accused doctors of negligence. A case was registered against hospital CEO Awadhesh Sharma, surgeon Mohammad Raza, anesthesiologist Dr Siddiqui and Dr Shubham Dwivedi. The matter reached the capital Lucknow. Deputy CM and Health Minister Brajesh Pathak issued a show cause notice to the hospital. Not even a day passed after the notice was issued that Brajesh Pathak ordered to seal the hospital.

  • Due to the sealing of the hospital, 450 employees working here suddenly became unemployed. Those employees told us their grief.

We are faced with the problem of running our household.
When we reached the hospital, we found Chunnilal at the gate. Chunnilal has been looking after the cleaning work in the hospital for the last 42 years. Disappointed with the sealing of the hospital. He says, “28 more people along with us look after the cleaning work, all have gone home. This hospital has never been closed before today. “Always been open.”

After the closure of the hospital, 20 out of 28 sanitation workers have been discharged.  Chunnilal started crying while narrating his plight.

After the closure of the hospital, 20 out of 28 sanitation workers have been discharged. Chunnilal started crying while narrating his plight.

Umendra Tiwari looks after the entry work here for the last seven years. His father also looked after security work here for 30 years. Umendra says, “Politics is being done in this whole matter. BJP people are doing politics. In which hospital there is no death. Life or death is not in the hands of the doctor, he only treats, he does not want the patient to May die.” We asked who is doing politics, Umendra says- Here MP Smriti Irani ji is doing it. She does not want the hospital to run because it belongs to the Gandhi family.

There is no bigger hospital than this at rural level in Asia.
The foundation stone of this Sanjay Gandhi Hospital of Munshiganj was laid by former PM Indira Gandhi in 1982. As time passed, the facilities of this hospital kept increasing. At present there are 350 beds in this hospital. There is a dialysis center. There is a blood bank. There are 4 operation theatres. Every day at least 600 patients come to the OPD here. The person whose condition appears to be worse is admitted. If any accident occurs at night, people come to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital instead of going to the district hospital.

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Now the question is why not go to the district hospital?
In response to this, the people here say that the condition of the district hospital is not good. Better treatment is available here than there. Investigation is done for less money. The emergency facilities in Sanjay Gandhi Hospital are better than there. The doctors here are good, so not only people from nearby areas but also from other districts come here for treatment. There is no bigger hospital than this at the rural level anywhere in Asia.

600 nursing students and 200 paramedical students study in Sanjay Gandhi Hospital. The role of practical is most important in medical studies. In such a situation, due to the closure of the hospital, the future of those students has been put into question.

Students avoid talking in front of the camera. He says, “Ever since Smriti Irani became the MP here, she was looking for ways to get this institute closed. She did not come to this hospital even once. Till now this hospital could have been made a medical college, but politics Because of this this is not happening.”

Smriti Irani said- Congress is worried about its profits
Amethi MP Smriti Irani was the biggest finger pointed on this matter. It was said that the hospital was sealed only on his request. She was in Lucknow on 25 September. On the question of sealing the hospital, he said, “A woman dies in a hospital run by the Gandhi family, instead of supporting her, they are crying over their profits. In their view, the value of a woman’s life is Not at all.”

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Now the question is whether Smriti Irani is worried about that woman and her child? For this we talked to the victim’s family. Anuj, husband of deceased Divya Shukla, says, “No one came to us. My 10-month-old child was left without a mother. No one is concerned. We are not getting any financial help from the administration, government or anyone else. Milli. At least the child had to be taken care of.”

  • The victim’s family wants justice and help. Not in favor of closing the hospital.

Amethi Congress and hospital employees opened front
Awadhesh Tiwari is in the marketing team of the hospital. He says, “MP madam and Brajesh Pathak ji are doing politics. MP madam talks about employment, but 450 employees have been made unemployed in one go. They are not able to understand what to do. Here the people of BJP People also come to get treatment. Treatment is done here irrespective of caste and creed. If she was jealous of the Gandhi family then it would be fine, but why is she doing this with the rest of the people.”

At present, Congress leaders and hospital employees have opened a front against this decision of the government. Former Congress MLC Deepak Singh along with more than 100 of his supporters has sat on a fast outside the CMO office. At the same time, doctors, paramedical staff and employees of the hospital have also adopted the path of Satyagraha. He says that he is doing Satyagraha right now and if the suspension is not cancelled, he will be forced to go on hunger strike.

  • Finally, about the leader in whose father’s name this hospital is running…

BJP leader Varun Gandhi also spoke on a news channel regarding Sanjay Gandhi Hospital. Varun said he may be emotionally attached to Amethi’s Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, named after his father, but it has nothing to do with his demand for an impartial investigation for justice as the institution serves the poor. It takes generations to build.

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“I would like to say that such incidents happen almost every day in every single health institution in Uttar Pradesh. I submit that you should focus on overhauling, you should focus on accountability, you should focus on punishing the culprits.”

“I am not against that process. My simple point is that punishing a guilty person sends a positive message. But when you consider shutting down an entire institution that will take a generation to rebuild. They People will be completely deprived of any infrastructure.”

At last, let us know about the facilities available in Sanjay Gandhi Hospital through graphic…

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The one who slaughtered 32 donkeys alive…the murderer of MBBS doctor

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In Sultanpur, Dr. Ghanshyam Tiwari liked the plot of Jagdish Narayan Singh. He made up his mind to buy. When I showed it to my wife Nisha, she said that the space is a little less. The doctor also decided to buy the adjacent plot. The deal was done for Rs 50 lakh. Papers signed…registration done. But possession was not obtained. Because Jagdish Narayan’s history-sheeter son Ajay Narayan Singh came in the midst of the land deal. Ajay is a big land mafia of Sultanpur, a case has been registered against him for slaughtering 32 donkeys alive near Narayanpur village in 2013. Read the full news…

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